Preachers • Patriots • Providence

Preachers, Patriots, & Providence is a journey—a journey of America’s identity, a journey of discovery, and a journey of truth.

While this is not a comprehensive history encompassing the entirety of Christianity’s influence in America, it is a factual series of events emphasizing Christianity’s role in the founding of this great country. Many would have you believe that this country was founded on a wing and a prayer by nothing more than a fumbling group of deists with no more faith than a bale of hay. But, in Preachers, Patriots, & Providence, we aim to challenge all of that. How did the United States of America really come to be? How much of a role did God play in its founding? Who really were the Founding Fathers? Is America a Christian nation?

Men and women from all walks of life dreamed of establishing a nation—a free nation, a nation solely guided by God’s will, and a nation ever standing under His protection. Most of these men and women never even understood what they were about to accomplish or the legacy they would leave behind. For them, there was no certainty in what they were aiming to achieve; it wasn’t a story unfolding before them from the pages of a history book. For them, it was a calling; it was an unfinished symphony; it was the planting of seeds in a garden that they never got to see grow. And now, we get to tell their story.

But, as important as understanding the men and women who embarked on this great American experiment, they were nothing without the providence of God and the power unleashed by the Word of God. Preachers, Patriots, & Providence will prove, once and for all, that the United States of America was founded on biblical principles, and that the United States was not so much a grand experiment, but the ultimate testament to a nation founded on the Word of God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.